I, strongly believe in providing with a combination of academic skills and technological expertise. A combination that is designed to provide a presentation for a life time of professional and personal development. What matters most to our students as an aspiring the quality of teaching and campus life.
Our University takes pride in its excellent programmes and superior faculty. Because, we realised that to keep pace with educational demands of this time, courses must be designed and structured to meet certain objective and to help the students for a suitable job. This can only be achieved by imparting education in specific manner, together with a specific objective in mind.
I, invite all youths to join our challenging and uniquely designed courses and embark on an academic Endeavour that will enrich their life. Sharing our vision and choosing a course from one of our new frontier programmes in the first step. We look forward to building a relationship with Youths, where the learning quotient rises above just-imparting academic knowledge to the integration of attitudes, values, morals and skills.
Steps have also been initiated to establish Educational Guiding Centres for economically backward students of all casts and religions. Our University officers and learned faculty members regularly organise, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops; Health Hygiene Programmes and Rural Camps, along with publication of literature in different forms like Social & Charitable activities as well; to fulfill our ambitious dream plans.
Moto – “शमा जला के अपना घर रोशन किया तो क्या? ऐसा चिराग जलाइये जो रोशन जहाँ करे!”
Prof. (Dr.) Prabhat Kumar Sharma
President / Vice Chancellor – University of Technology