UOT initiated online learning facilities to continue studies during the lockdown period

This is to inform all the students that the University of Technology has started online classes due to the recent COVID-19 crisis wherein the government has directed people to stay at home to avoid the further spread of Coronavirus. As a result, educational institutions have been closed and all activities have been postponed. Taking into account all this and to ensure that students can continue their studies at home, the MHRD, UGC and its Inter-University Centers (IUCs) have taken several ICT initiatives so that the learning process can be continued through online learning measures. The students can access links of following online study portals as recommended under ICT initiatives:

SWAYAM Online Courses (https://swayam.gov.in/about)

Students can access the best learning resources free of cost without any registration through the SWAYAM platform.

E-PG Pathshala (https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in/)

High-quality online content comprising of 23000 modules (e-text and videos) for 70 PG courses like Arts, Fine Arts, Social Science, Humanities, Natural, and Mathematical Sciences.

Shodhganga (https://sg.inflibnet.ac.in/)

Useful for Ph.D. and research students and has a collection of 2, 60,000 Indian Electronic Thesis and Dissertations (ETDs). Students can deposit their Ph.D. thesis for open access by the scholarly community.

Students can also access the following thesis websites and open ETDs:

NDLTD (http://www.ndltd.org/)

Diva Portal (http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/sear )

EThOS R&D (https://www.ethos-rd.com/ )

DART- European E-Thesis Portal (http://www.dart-europe.eu/basic-search.php )

Open Access Thesis and Dissertations (https://oatd.org/)

SWAYAMPRABHA (https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in/)

It includes a group of 32 DTH channels that provide curriculum-based high-quality content for various disciplines such as arts, science, commerce, social science, performing arts, engineering technology, law, medicine, agriculture, etc. These channels are free to air and students can also access the telecasted lectures/ videos through the swayamprabha portal.

UG/ PG MOOCs (https://ugcmoocs.inflibnet.ac.in/ugcmoocs/moocs_courses.php )

Includes Non-technology based archived courses for different UG and PG programs

E-Content courseware in UG subjects (http://cec.nic.in )

CEC website provides e- content for 87 UG courses in about 24,110 e-content modules.

CEC-UGC YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/cededusat )

Students can access unlimited educational curriculum based lectures absolutely free.

E-Shodh Sindhu (https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in/ )

Students can access more than 15,000 core and peer-reviewed journals, factual database, citation and bibliography in different disciplines from various universities and colleges that are covered under 12(B) and 2(f) Sections of the UGC Act.

Students can also access the following open e-print archives:

arXiv.org (https://arxiv.org/ )

Cogprints (http://cogprints.org/)

HAL Open Archive (http://library.jgu.edu.in/content/hal-open-archive )

Elsevier Open Archive (https://www.elsevier.com/Openaccess)

Vidwan (https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/ )

Involves the database of experts that provides information about research scholars, prospective collaborators, and funding policy makers in the country.

Students can also access the following open courseware and learning resources:

eGyanKosh (http://egyankosh.ac.in/ )

NPTEL (https://nptel.ac.in/ )

Vidya-Mitra (http://vidyamitra.inflibnet.ac.in/ )

Harvard Open Courseware (https://www.extension.harvard.edu)

MIT Open Courseware (https://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm )

Open Yale Courses (https://oyc.yale.edu/ )

Open Learning Initiative (OLI) (https://oli.cmu.edu/ )

In addition to this, students can also access the E-Books and online resources as provided by RTU for management courses:

DELNET Database (http://www.delnet.in/)

Students can ask for the login credentials from the HOD of the respective Department.

National Digital Library (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/)

Provides students vast amount of academic content for different levels and in all leading languages.

Engineering E-books (open access): http://www.e-booksdirectory.com/engineering.php

Students have online engineering books available for free download in major engineering branches like electronics, mechanical, civil, electrical, telecommunications, computer science etc.

BOOKBOON (https://bookboon.com/ )

OPEN LIBRARY (https://openlibrary.org/subjects/management )

Project Gutenberg (https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/search/?query=management )

Free book spot (http://www.freebookspot.es/compactcategory.aspx?)

Many books (https://manybooks.net/book/138629)

UNESCO Open Access publications (https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark)

Students can also study from home using NEAT platforms that provide free study modules to learn a wide variety of engineering courses. Access the following link: https://neat.aicte-india.org/

Students can also learn about innovative engineering concepts through websites like e-yantra which can help them in learning development of practical solutions for real world problems. Access the given link: https://www.e-yantra.org/

Moreover, the Polytechnic students can also benefit from the 4000 e-lectures designed by TTC Jodhpur which are available on its YouTube channel. It includes complete Polytechnic course for different subjects like Electrical, Mechanical, IT, Computer Science. Students can click the link given below:


Being a responsible citizen of the country, we expect students to stay home and stay safe. Students can utilize online study resources such as digital classes, virtual labs, and video lectures in this hard time. Further, they can interact with the faculty members through WhatsApp to solve their doubts and queries that they may face while understanding the lectures.

Apart from this, UOT along with Regional College and Deepshikha College is also providing online lectures through its YouTube channel and Zoom. The students can click the URL given below to subscribe the channel for the interactive and informative lectures:


For more such information, follow our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/uotjaipur